Today, Janebelle from the 03 Girls will be sharing about her experience disciple-making in church!
Although the past few letters of service have been rather unconventional, it is still important for us to continue serving in our personal capacities as Christian individuals. Therefore, Janebelle will share with us about what it is like to lead a Christian life everyday outside of simply doing devotions and saying grace!
-Kevin See Toh (03 Guys)
Have you ever really thought about what serving God actually means?
The Bible says that serving God is something that we were created to do. The Bible also says that true Christian service and living begins with personal dedication to the Lord.
“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1)
So if the only thing that comes to mind when you think about serving God is the four different service areas in church, namely Worship, Creative Design, DGL and WOAH, then think again. Service actually is the call for us to be set apart, to dedicate our whole life and everything we do to God!
“We shouldn’t discount the things we do on a daily basis because remember, true Christian service begins with personal dedication to God. So don’t make serving God just a weekly affair on Saturdays, limited to the service area you’re in. Dedicate your life to Him and make service your new lifestyle.”
What is your form of service and how is this form of service different from conventional forms?
Personally, I try to serve God by just making sure that everything I do is to glorify God and show His love to those around me. It does not have to be doing things like big acts of charity. Simple things I do include making sure I spend time with God throughout the day to cultivate my relationship with Him. Besides doing daily devotions, I try to talk to God as I go about my day, telling Him about even the littlest things about my thoughts and feelings. I also try to connect and catch up with other people from church during the week. For example, I’ll send my other DG members a text and ask them how they are or maybe even meet up with them. Every now and then I’ll ask them how’s their spiritual life and it’s just simple things like these that you would do with any friend that will make a big difference in your faith (and theirs!) and our youth community.
Although you may think that these things do not seem like acts of service, they definitely do count! We shouldn’t discount the things we do on a daily basis because remember, true Christian service begins with personal dedication to God. So don’t make serving God just a weekly affair on Saturdays, limited to the service area you’re in. Dedicate your life to Him and make service your new lifestyle.
“Growing together and knowing that you are not alone in your walk with God is one of the most comforting and the most amazing experiences ever.”
How has this form of service impacted others and your walk with God?
Janabelle’s DG, the 07s!
Making service an integral part of my life has seriously changed my walk with God. It has helped me to realise that I actually can serve God outside of church. It also made me see how God should not be present in my life only on Saturdays but on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays too. It helped me to appreciate the fact that I have a Christian community around me to help me grow in my faith as well. My DG members, DGLs and other friends in church act as my source of encouragement and accountability. As we relate to and share our struggles with one another, it really encourages and motivates me to keep my faith no matter the circumstances. Growing together and knowing that you are not alone in your walk with God is one of the most comforting and the most amazing experiences ever. (like legit for real if you don’t believe me just go and try lor!!!)
Aligning with Vision 2023, how do you think more youths can take up discipleship?
Now that you know what service is actually all about, I’m sure we can all start to try serving God in our own lives by making these small changes everyday. In fact, a very good way to start is to just take up discipling! The word may seem daunting but whatever you just read about me doing these small little things everyday are exactly what discipling entails! Learning to make a disciple of someone would just mean to walk with them in their spiritual journey and you can do this by simply doing the things I mentioned previously. Catching up with them, maybe even studying God’s word together and even spending time with God together! You’ll find yourself growing alongside other Christians, and I guarantee you, you will never find something as fulfilling as this.
I promise you, discipling is not as scary as it may seem and it’ll definitely take your spiritual journey to a whole new level. So from now on, let's all try to serve God in our lives and perhaps just try taking up discipleship for a change! :)
If you have any questions or issues regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me!