“Discipling the generations” was chosen as the theme to appreciate and celebrate our diversity through the different generations in the church. Our unity will in turn be a witness to an increasingly fragmented world.
Come and join us. You will get a glimpse of why God has put us together and how we can encourage and serve one another in an intergenerational Christian faith community.
The Bible Church, Singapore & Teenacity Youth Ministry
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This Weekend’s Services
Discipling The Generations
(Psalm 78:5-7, Psalm 145:4)
Speaker: Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai
Worship Leader: Sylvester Koh
Service Leader: Beverley Tan
Online Services
English Service @ 5.00pm (Saturday)
Chinese Service @ 8.45am (Sunday)
(18 & 19 June 2022)
- Zachary Lye & Lucas Ong -
Call to Worship
- Sylvester Koh -
Everlasting God
Opening Prayer
Blessed Assurance
Scripture Reading
Colossians 3:12-17
Scandal of Grace
This is Amazing Grace
Prayers of the People
- Beverley Tan -
Discipling The Generations
(Psalm 78:5-7, Psalm 145:4)
- Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai -
Spirit Touch Your Church
Jesus at the Centre
Holy Communion
- Asst Ps Patrick Chan Yin -
Closing Prayer & Benediction
Discipling the Generations
Written by Zechariah Yeung
Welcome to Youth Weekend! Youth Weekend is an annual event where the Youth Ministry, called Teenacity, takes charge over running the church service for one weekend to bless the larger congregation. After a two-year hiatus, we are glad to be able to hold this years Youth Weekend services onsite again.
The theme for Youth Weekend this year is “Discipling the Generations”.
In Teenacity, we have already taken steps towards the discipleship portion of the youth weekend theme. Firstly, in our efforts to build a culture of discipleship as part of our Vision 2023 (Run the Race, Relay the Faith), we have placed a greater emphasis on bible study during discipleship group (DG) time held after every youth service. Our youths have been tasked to read the Book of James together this year. We hope that by spending time reading the Bible as a group, the youths may be grounded in the word of God and equipped with the skills to study the Bible on their own.
We have also launched "Discipleship 101", a programme where older youths are equipped to mentor younger youths. The sessions serve to aid youths in understanding how to effectively disciple younger youths in the faith, as well as to experience for themselves what such mentorship looks like. We hope the youths will be able to mentor others, whether in or out of church.
Despite our efforts, we admit that we youths are naive, inexperienced and less mature (both physically and spiritually) than the adults in church. Especially when, in most instances, our only points of reference are other young people.
This is where we find ourselves in need of the “generation” aspect of this year’s youth weekend theme.
A fresh perspective can help youths better navigate the issues they face in life with a Christian lens. Though these issues may be expressed through different mediums, such as on social media platforms today, similar themes remain. Insecurities about our appearances; our hopes and dreams; our results; dealing with relationships with family and friends - does this sound familiar?
Understanding other age groups is challenging, and for many of us, it takes us out of our comfort zones. It takes great initiative to begin reaching out to others, let alone be an intentional part of their lives. It may take an even greater effort to reach out to a generation that seemingly does not care about anything except what are the latest trends on TikTok or using words like “cap”, “drip” and “sus” (feel free to Google what these terms mean, or even better, ask a youth).
Still, intergenerational discipleship is nothing but meaningful.
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. ”
As Paul said to Timothy, let us build each other up in wisdom and faith across generations. We pray that God will instil in us patience, an open heart, and most importantly, love as His disciple-makers.
A warm welcome to all newcomers who are with us today. We would love to meet and get to know you. Please click here to help us get to know you better.
Via WhatsApp
All Members will be added onto the WhatsApp Broadcast. Save the number 8925-0242 into your phone's contact list.
For non-members, save the number 8925-0242 into your phone’s contact list and WhatsApp your full name to this number to join the broadcast.
Via Telegram
Click the LINK to join the ‘Bible Church Broadcast’ Channel:
If you wish to visit or serve in CARE Groups (https://www.biblechurch.sg/care-groups), please contact Asst Ps Lai Keet Keong at keetkeong@biblechurch.sg or through WhatsApp or Telegram at 9618-7220.
Please feel free to contact any of our pastoral staff or the church office (office@biblechurch.sg or 6779-3255) via email or text messages should you require prayer. If you know of anyone who is facing financial difficulties, please let us know as well.
If you are looking to serve in one or more of our ministries, please click here to find out more.
Dates: 13 & 14 August 2022 (Saturday & Sunday)
Closing Date For Application: 31 July 2022
The Children Dedication Service will be held on Saturday & Sunday, 13 & 14 August 2022 during the worship services. Children to be dedicated must be aged 5 years and below. Parents who wish to dedicate their children can apply to do so as soon as possible. Please note the closing date and that the completion of the 5-week Parenting Children Course in July this year or in the previous years is a requirement.
Please click here for the application form.
For more information, please email Timothy Lee at timothy@biblechurch.sg.
In view of the Campference on 24-26 June 2022, Prayer@CG, Worship Services & Community Meals will be replaced by the sessions during the Campference.
Each generation holds certain values and beliefs. In this upcoming Campference, Rev Dr Tan Soo-Inn will share the Biblical perspectives on how each generation can mutually and respectfully disciple each other, while Mr Ho Wei-Hao will share the survey findings on each generation’s view on church-related matters. Don’t miss this OPPORTUNITY to hear from and have conversations with other generations in this 3-Day Campference.
Campference Sessions:
24 June (Friday, 8pm) - Biblical reflections*
25 June (Saturday AM, 9am) - Understanding the generations
25 June (Saturday PM, 2pm) - Implications on evangelism
26 June (Sunday, 9am) - Implications on relational ministry and mentoring
*This session will be premiered as the weekend service on 25 June (Saturday) at 5pm.
You may join us by coming ONSITE or ONLINE via Zoom. We strongly encourage you to come onsite to interact through conversations, meals and playing games together.
Note: There is a concurrent children’s program on Saturday and Sunday.
Sign up now via https://forms.gle/UG9ec5LKjfnBZcCF9.
For more information, please contact Jobina at jobinatan2@gmail.com.
Dates: 3 July – 31 July 2022 (5 Sundays)
Time: 10.15am-11.45am
Venue: Seminar Room 1 (Level 2)
Registration closes on 26 June 2022 (Sunday)
The Parenting Children Course is a video-based course designed to equip those parenting and caring for up to 10-year-olds, and parents-to-be, with long-term strategies to build a healthy family life. Over five sessions, the course will help you to:
Build strong foundations
Meet your children's needs
Set clear boundaries
Teach healthy relationships
Consider your long-term aim
Each 1.5-hour session will be facilitated by one of the pastoral staff or an experienced parent.
This course is compulsory/mandatory for parents who want to offer their children for dedication (Please refer to the E-Bulletin announcement for more details).
Parents with young children are strongly encouraged to join us for this informative and engaging course! Sign up here.
For more information, please contact Timothy Lee at timothy@biblechurch.sg.
For most of us, ‘work’ will be a longstanding feature of our lives. God created humanity to do His work; and many of us aspire to do good and be ambassadors for Christ at our ‘workplaces’ (schools, office, etc). But for some among us, reality is harsh. Work can be tedious, unfulfilling, and even cruel. How then, are we to reconcile these tensions?
This year’s YAF retreat titled ‘Following Jesus into the Broken World of Work’ explores these themes, and helps us – as a community – reckon with our calling to live as representatives of Christ where God has led us.
Mr Timothy Liu (CEO of Dover Park Hospice)
Date & Time:
Saturday, 9 July: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sunday, 10 July: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Four Points by Sheraton
382 Havelock Road, Singapore 169629
Level 4, Jubilee Ballroom
$164 (Breakfast, lunch & refreshments will be provided on both days)
Non working young adults may opt for a subsidy of up to $84 and working young adults may opt for a subsidy of up to $44.
Sign-up now at https://tinyurl.com/YAFRetreat2022. Registration closes on 19 June 2022.
Do you struggle in your Christian living? What does God’s Word say about freedom in Christ?
Come to find out how you can have a life of true freedom!
This video-based & interactive course will teach you to take hold of the truth of who you are in Christ and help you to resolve personal and spiritual issues that are holding you back.
Topics covered: Identity in Christ, Battle of the Mind, Forgiveness, Handling Emotions Well, etc.
16 July to 24 September 2022 (Saturdays)
2.00pm to 4.30pm (Except 3 September which is FICC Day Away. The time will be from 10.00am to 4.30pm)
The Bible Church, Singapore
Who Can Join:
All Christians (young or mature in faith)
Material Cost:
$5 (subsidized)
Sign up here by 10 July 2022.
For more information, please contact Angela Ong at 9023-0156 or angela@biblechurch.sg.
The new ALPHA Season is here!
Happening ONSITE in person from Saturday 23 July to 8 October 2022 (conducted in English and Mandarin).
Please be praying for friends you would like to invite to try Alpha. More details are available in the link (https://tinyurl.com/TBCJulAlpha2022).
We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help in the following areas:
1. Volunteers to set up and man Alpha publicity/registration table for any of the services:
- Saturday Evening Service
- Sunday 1st Service- Sunday 2nd Service
- Crux Young Adult Service
2. Trainers for Alpha training (Date to be confirmed)
3. Logistics - set up and take down Alpha tables and chairs for lunch and tea breaks etc.
4. PA/manage laptop sound and projection (To work with Dexter and team)
5. Facilitators
6. Assistant Facilitators
7. Befrienders
8. Inviters
9. Pray Warriors
10. Helpers for Alpha Day away onsite registration onsite at Republic Yacht Club on 10 September 2022.
If you are available and keen to help, please email Gaik Poh (gaikpoh.toi@gmail.com) or Yvonne (yvonne.chong@regenthealth.asia).
ALPHA ONLINE - Praying for your invitees
Please pray about who the Lord may be leading you to invite to the Alpha Course - perhaps a loved one, a relative, a school friend, a neighbour, a colleague, gym or hobby kaki, your vendor (e.g. hairdresser, insurance agent, housing agent), etc. or anyone that the Lord brings to your mind.
Make a list:
Once you think of someone to invite, please share with the prayer team by registering your prayer request at this link (https://tinyurl.com/PrayAlpha) or scan the QR code so we can pray alongside you.
1. English Services
Sat English Service: 5.00-6.15 pm
Sun English Service 1: 8.30-9.45 am
Sun English Service 2: 10.15-11.30 am
Sun Crux (Young Adults): 2.00-3.30 pm
Live streaming of the English service from Saturday, 5.00pm Click Here
2. Kids for Christ
Sat Preschool & Primary: 5.00-6.15 pm
Sun Preschool & Primary: 10.15-11.30 am
3. Teenacity
Sat Service: 2.30-3.45 pm
Sat DG time: 4.00-5.30 pm
4. Chinese Ministry
Sun Service: 8.45-10.15 am
Please click here.
Please click here.
There will be no onsite worship services on 25 & 26 June 2022.
The Campference session on 24 June 2022 will be premiered as the weekend service on 25 June (Saturday) at 5pm.
Copyright © 2022 *The Bible Church, Singapore*, All rights reserved.
*Electronic Bulletin 18 & 19 June 2022 (Vol 45 No.25)*
For internal circulation only