Our service areas include: Creative Design, Worship, Discipleship Group Leaders and Welcome, Outreach & Hospitality. It is wonderful how God has given each youth gifts and talents to serve His Kingdom. We believe that it is a privilege for us to serve Him using the talents He has given us.

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“Worshipping God Authentically”
Youth Leaders: Rihika Chiu & Esther Yow

'"We are teenacity's music leaders. We serve to bring the truths of God from the Bible into song, helping people connect with these truths cognitively and emotionally, so that we can worship Him by singing about who He is and what He has done. God gifts us with music, and so we'll serve Him and build the church with our voices and instruments!"

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“The Friendly Faces of Teenacity”
Youth Leaders: Mabel Lee, Matthew Lim, James Lai, Aloysius Low

“We are here to welcome newcomers into our midst. We serve teenacity passionately and joyfully together as a youth ministry. We organise activities that bring the community together as well, such as Dinner of Love and birthday celebrations. WOAH focuses on bringing the community closer, centred around the love that is shown to us from Jesus.”

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“Celebrate God, Celebrate Creativity”
Youth Leaders: Benedict Kok & Ryan Lim

“We’re a team who believes that any design is good, when God is glorified. And we agreed that a good design is when a intended message reaches the audience. Through each youth members’ gifts and talents, we want to glorify Jesus, inspire hearts and connect people through the visuals, we share in church, online and on print.”

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“Authentic Biblical Community”
Youth Leader: Joshua Lee

“The discipleship group leaders are a group of servant leaders with a common passion to shepherd youths - supporting our younger brothers and sisters as they navigate through the ups and downs in life, with Christ and His word as our anchor and our compass. It is our prayer that through these authentic friendships, the youths will come to their own personal realisation of just how faithful, gracious, and powerful is the God we have.”