Dear you,
How has your quiet time been?
Maybe your DGLs nag you about it all the time, but you don’t see the point. Reading the bible and praying is boring, and you would rather do something else. Or maybe you know quiet time is good for you, but you still struggle to do it regularly. You find yourself distracted and confused most of the time. Quiet time feels more like a burden than a joy.
Or perhaps it’s been going well for you! You treasure moments reading and reflecting on God’s word.
I’ve been in all these places before. There are times where I taste and see that God’s words are indeed “more to be desired… than gold” and “sweeter also than honey”. Yet, there are also days where I come away frustrated and disappointed or decide to press the snooze button for the eighth time instead. Wherever you are, I hope that through this letter, you will find encouragement to get started or keep going. Let’s consider what God says about His word, and then get down to some practicalities.
What will motivate us?
God gives us great promises about His word! Coming to know and believe them has really helped me to desire reading the bible. Here are a few that keep me going. I hope they will inspire you too! Take some time to dwell on each of them.
“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ”
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. ”
Strength, nourishment, fruitfulness, sustenance, guidance, illumination, protection, training, shaping, equipping— do you realize this is what the bible offers?
There are many other such promises in the bible. If you lack motivation, can I encourage you over the next few days or weeks to pray over some of these promises? If we take hold of them, I trust it can make all the difference.
Some practical tips
Now that we’ve looked at the motivations, let’s consider some practicalities. There is plenty of advice out there, but here’s a “starter pack”:
Set aside a fixed time with least distractions. For me, that is morning time. I make sure my phone is switched off the night before.
Before reading – Ask God to grant understanding, to enlighten the eyes of our hearts, and to shape our response and lives.
Read – Think about what is the author trying to say to his readers? Why? How might it, then, apply to us?
Meditate – Don’t just move on! Do you believe what God has revealed to you? What would it look like to believe? How can you move towards that desired state?
Pray in response to what you’ve read and reflected on.
My hope is that in this prolonged period of staying at home, you may start and strengthen and joy-filled discipline of spending time with God through His word and prayer. Quiet time is the most important thing we can do every day (Luke 10:42), and it is never wasted time! Remember, God delights to reveal more of Himself and His Son for those who ask Him and shape us more into his likeness. He surely will, in His good timing, so keep at it!
With Love: Noah