This year, our theme for Youth Weekend is ABCDE
- An “Authentic, Biblical Community Discipling Effectively”.
At the start of 2018, the Bible Church introduced Vision 2023, and the church’s desire to become an ABCDE.
Teenacity is not excluded from this vision, and we hope that through this year’s Youth Weekend,
you can get a glimpse of how the youths have been moving towards becoming an ABCDE too!

Here are some of the ABCDE things we were engaged in over this past year:


Welcome To
The Bible Church, Singapore
& Teenacity Youth Ministry

We invite you and your family to worship with us online.

This Week’s Sermon Details

Following Jesus Unreservedly
(Luke 9:57-62)
Speaker: Snr Ps Beh Soo Yeong

Worship Leader: Youth Worship Team
Service Leader:
Sean Koh

Youth Weekend Service
Saturday, 25 July 2020

Youth Weekend Service
Sunday, 26 July 2020
10.45 am

Chinese Service
Sunday, 26 July 2020
8.45 am

Kids For Christ Lessons


Written by Cheryl Toi

Greetings in the name of the Lord,

Welcome to Youth Weekend! Youth Weekend is an annual event where the Youth Ministry, called Teenacity (Tee-neh-see-tee), takes over the running of the church services with the aims of blessing the larger congregation and staying connected as an inter-generational church.

Teenacity ministers largely to youths between the ages of 12 and 18. We hold weekly Saturday youth services where we worship together, and hear God’s word being preached.  This is followed by Discipleship Group (DG) time where the youths break into smaller groups which allow our DG leaders to mentor, disciple and minister to them in a more personal way.  During DG time, our youths share about their lives, discuss questions related to the sermon and pray for one another.  We provide opportunities for our youths to serve in various service areas such as Worship, DG Leaders, Welcome, Outreach & Hospitality and Creative Design for things like the Teenacity microsite, bulletins and posters.

Our mission, which echoes the church’s mission, is

“To know God intimately and to make Him known, pressing on as a still imperfect youth community to become more like Him.”

Our vision is updated every three years and this year marks the end of Vision 2020 which is to reach 220 people in attendance by 2020. We may not be able to fulfil this vision, but we thank God that over the last three years, through many evangelistic events, sermons, equipping sessions and programmes held, the youths are more willing to reach out to their friends and invite them to church.

Besides trying to reach a larger number of youths, the other goal is to help the youths with the issues they face today. Every generation has its own set of unique challenges. Some of the key issues include excessive stress from academic examinations, peer pressure, mental health, social media and balancing serving in church, school and CCAs. Please pray for wisdom for the youth leaders to deal with the current challenges that we ourselves might be unfamiliar with.

Nonetheless, Teenacity and the youth leaders would like to express our gratitude and thanks to everyone who has come alongside Teenacity to provide support in one way or another. For instance, there is a parents support group that prays for the youths regularly. We have also been blessed by those who have preached at the youth services, conducted workshops and volunteered as youth mentors. Thank you for loving the youths. Matthew 9:37 says, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” There is still a lot to be done in Teenacity. We are always praying for more people to journey alongside us in Teenacity. Please contact Pastor Patrick at 9068 8992 or myself, Cheryl Toi at 9625 7571 if you are interested in supporting this ministry in any way.

For those who are curious about what Teenacity may be up to for the rest of the year, here are some upcoming events:

  • Christianity Explored (CE) (1 August – 3 October 2020) for the P6s and S1s and any Youth Seekers.
    We are conducting CE for the younger youths to build their foundation in the faith and for any youths who would be interested to know more about the Christian Faith.

  • Leadership Team Retreat (8 - 10 August 2020)

    This is an annual event for the youth LT to discuss plans for Teenacity.

  • Lifetalks (19 September & 7 November 2020)

    Lifetalks is an evangelistic, seeker-friendly service meant for the youths to invite their non-Christian friends

  • Youth Camp (7 - 11 December 2020)

    Arguably the most exciting event on the youth calendar where the youths immerse themselves in a 5D4N camp to dig deep into God’s Word and forge stronger ties within Teenacity through interaction, discussions, and games.

  • Christmas Nom (19 December 2020)

    Christmas Nom is an annual outreach event filled with food, games and friends.

Prayer items:

  • Pray that despite the partial circuit breaker, the youths will continue to stay rooted in God’s word and keep each other accountable.

  • Pray for the upcoming LT Retreat that God will guide the leaders and grant them wisdom as they navigate the issues of the youths and do vision casting for the next 3 years.

We are excited to see God work in Teenacity. May God continue to watch over the youths of the Bible Church.

Youth Leadership Team, 2020

Youth Leadership Team, 2020


Asst. Ps Patrick
Chan Yin
(Asst./Youth Pastor)

+65 9068 8992

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Cheryl Toi

+65 9625 7571




Further to our announcement two weeks ago, we received feedback from more than 60 worshippers on their preferred communion services times. Based on these responses, we plan to have 3-4 communion services every two weeks. For the first two weeks of August, communion services will be held during the following time slots:

  • Sunday 2 August 2020, 8.30-9.15 am (No more available slots)

  • Sunday 2 August 2020, 5.00-5.45 pm

  • Friday 7 August 2020, 8.00-8.45 pm

Each of these services, lasting 45-60 minutes, will have no more than 50 persons. It will include a brief reflection time, a short devotional sermon, holy communion and a short prayer and ministry time. Please be assured that temperature taking and safe entry measures will be implemented, with no more than 50 worshippers, seated in the Sanctuary at a safe distance from one another.

Due to the restricted capacity for each service, please reserve your tickets, including for children, through on a first-come-first-served basis. You may sign up for up to 4 tickets per person, but only if they plan to come. You are encouraged to arrive 10 minutes before the service starts to ensure a smooth safe entry procedure.

While the communion services are not mandatory, we invite all of us to make an effort to gather as the Lord’s people to remember His death, resurrection and impending return through the Lord’s Supper. In this way, we may also to encourage and spur one another towards love and good deeds (cf. Heb 10.24-25). 

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Please contact the church office at for more details or if you require any assistance in booking the online tickets.


Our congratulations to Yang Sin Yee and Andrew Yap whose marriage was solemnised on 18 July 2020.
We wish them God’s richest blessings in their lives together.

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The 54th Girls Brigade Company is now in its 20th year of operation. The Lord has been good and gracious in meeting all our needs through the generous support from church members.

This year, GBFN 2020 hopes to give girls a platform to look beyond themselves and contribute to larger needs in our nation during this pandemic. 50% of all funds raised during the collection period will be channelled to the extraordinary work of New Hope Community Services, giving hope to displaced families, the homeless, ex-offenders and youth-at-risk in Singapore. They have also been instrumental to help house rough sleepers and the homeless during the Covid-19 pandemic. All other funds will be fully allocated to the programme and work in schools and beyond. The Brigade will provide for all its own administrative costs and operational overheads this year in the same spirit of giving.

We appeal to church members to give generously to enable the work at 54th GB Company and The Girls' Brigade to continue. Together with other GB companies in Singapore, the 54th GB Company hopes to raise $800,000 nationwide for the plans and initiatives in 2020/2021. Your support will help to equip and develop every girl to her God-given potential, who in turn is willing and able to make a positive difference to the community.

Donations will be done completely online, through various channels. Tax deductions will continue to be available. There will be some limited use of Appeal Leaflets, so those who wish to use the Appeal Leaflets, can email the church office at to request for a copy.

Platforms for donation: 


  2. PayNow or PayLah (UEN: S61SS0001A)

  3. Appeal leaflets [email the church office to request for a copy, and needs to be mailed to GBHQ

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Janet Lim will be on leave from 27 to 31 July 2020.


Please feel free to contact any of our pastoral staff via email or SMS should you require prayer. If you know of anyone who is facing financial difficulties, please let us know as well.





Pursuing God in Dating
:25 July 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 8.00 pm

All around us, young adults devote much energy and time to “finding love”. Dating relationships promise joy, companionship and fulfilment, but dating can also be a hazardous pursuit paved with confusion and heartbreak.

What does the Bible have to say about how Christians should approach dating? How does God guide us in deciding who to date? What does a godly pursuit of marriage look like?

 Join us for Cross Train this Saturday as we explore God’s wisdom on dating in the light of His design for singleness and marriage. Come and discover how Christians can be radically distinctive in our pursuit of love and honour God and one another in the process. Three couples will share their stories with us.

This is a session for all – whether you are married, actively seeking marriage, or content in singleness – so that we learn to build one another up.

Zoom Meeting ID: 996 1515 1883

Password: 647362

For more details or if you have any queries about the YAF, please contact Asst Ps Lim Wei-en ( or Lee Jiayun (


Date: 31 July 2020 (Friday)
Time: 8.00 - 9.15 pm (via Zoom)
Prayer Leader: Asst Ps Gift Daniel

This is a season where we believe God is inviting the church to unite in prayer like never before. Join us, therefore, for our upcoming online church prayer meeting. In this prayer meeting, we will be guided to intercede for the world, our nation, the church and each other. There will be opportunities to pray on our own and with others in our community of faith. Come, let us seek the Lord’s face together as a church! 

Zoom Meeting Details:

 Meeting ID: 829 0682 5627

Password: CPMJuly

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Dates: 1 August – 29 August 2020 (5 Saturdays)

Time: 2.00 – 4.00 pm

Registration closes on 26 July 2020 (Sunday).

For more information or to sign up, please visit or contact Timothy Lee at


It has been a challenging time for us as parents this year. Some of us have to juggle between WFH and HBL for our children among the many other tasks. For the past months, we as parents have spent most of our time with our children, while some may appreciate the extended time, others may face difficulties. Parenting is never easy, yet our hopes are to be better parents. Come August, there will be a 5-session Parenting Course where we can learn and discuss on Parenting!

The Parenting Children Course is a video-based course designed to equip those parenting and caring for 0 to 10-year-olds, and parents-to-be, with long-term strategies to build a healthy family life. Over five sessions, the course will help you to:

  • Build strong foundations

  • Meet your children's needs

  • Set clear boundaries

  • Teach healthy relationships

  • Consider your long-term aim


Each 2-hour session will be facilitated by one of the pastoral staff or an experienced parent.

This course is compulsory/mandatory for parents who want to offer their children for dedication. Parents with young children are strongly encouraged to join us for this informative and engaging course!

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PRESCHOOLERS - Family Bonding Time

How can you spend a meaningful day with your child on National Day holiday? Do join us with your child/ren for bonding time of games. They will also remember who their friends and teachers are at KFC! Don't miss out!!

PRIMARY LEVEL- Outreach event – please invite your friends!

Zoom around the world with your friends and discover a very special message of love. You will also stand to win prizes if your team wins the race. So what are you waiting for – click the link to register yourself and your friends. YES – this event is open to your friends – do invite them to join you for this AMAZING ZOOM RACE😊 

Registration closes on: 3 August 2020


Date: 2 August 2020

Speaker: Snr Ps Beh Soo Yeong

Scripture Passage: Revelation 12:1-17

Worship Leader: Mrs Magdalene Lim

Service Leader: Asst Ps Gift Daniel


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Copyright © 2020 *The Bible Church, Singapore*, All rights reserved. 

*Electronic Bulletin 26 July 2020 (Vol 43 No.30)*

For internal circulation only