Teenacity During COVID-19

Illustration by: Clarice Lee and Zi Wei

Illustration by: Clarice Lee and Zi Wei

Hey, you!

Welcome to this year’s Youth Weekend! What’s Youth Weekend you may ask?

Well, Youth Weekend is where the Bible Church’s very own youths (Teenacity) come together to serve the larger church. And while Youth Weekend is usually a colourful (and LOUD) affair, this year we’re doing things a little bit different. And while we are aware that the absence of physical worship as a congregation can be a buzzkill, we as a youth ministry are still thankful that we can serve the church through online means. So feel free to have a look around our website, and enjoy this Youth Weekend 2020 :)

Illustration by: Clarice Lee

Illustration by: Clarice Lee

This year, our theme for Youth Weekend is ABCDE - An “Authentic, Biblical Community Discipling Effectively”. At the start of 2018, the Bible Church introduced Vision 2023, and the church’s desire to become an ABCDE. Teenacity is not excluded from this vision, and we hope that through this year’s Youth Weekend, you can get a glimpse of how the youths have been moving towards becoming an ABCDE too!

Here are some of the ABCDE things we were engaged in over this past year:


As we strive toward developing a more genuine community, we wanted a safe space where youths can detail their struggles, and TEES
(“The Early Early Show”) was our platform to do exactly that! 

In each episode of TEES, our hosts engage in open-ended conversations with youths from Teenacity, listening to their struggles and challenging members of our community to think about relevant topics and issues facing their lives today. 

We are proud to announce that the second season of TEES recently premiered on Teenacity’s very own Youtube channel. We hope to encourage youths to seek out for themselves answers to the questions raised on the show, be it through daily conversations, prayer, their reading of the Bible, or by any other means that could help them with their spiritual walk.

We hope that TEES will stimulate conversations among Teenacity on topics that we as Christians commonly struggle with, helping our Youth Ministry move toward becoming an authentic, open, and non-judgmental community.

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Life Talks are a series of evangelistic, topical sermons that cover a wide range of secular topics - with a biblical perspective. Our youths were encouraged to invite their friends to participate and listen in on these talks. But while some of these topics challenge worldviews, we hope that the discussions and conversations can help our youths and their friends achieve deeper, biblical understandings of God and Christian living. Our topics for 2020 include: 

  • Why do we need Jesus if I’m already happy?

  • Dating Freely

  • Jesus - Delusional or Divine? 

  • What the H***?

  • Christians - Same Same but Different?


Project Noah

Project Noah is a series of letters written by older youths to the wider youth community. These letters touch on various topics, frequently detailing the author’s struggles and experiences as a Christian.Through these letters, we hope that younger readers are encouraged in their spiritual walks, and that they are not alone in their struggles. These letters tend to challenge youths to become more like Jesus despite their struggles in their walks of faith, though practical advice is offered as well.

Illustration by: Leonika Ong

Illustration by: Leonika Ong


Trust & Faith is a ‘How to Study the Bible’ online course, where youths were invited to learn how to read and study the Bible. 

The course was held over five Zoom sessions during the school holidays, and youths learnt how to utilise the Inductive Bible Study method, interpret different literary genres of the Bible, and apply the Bible in their daily lives.

We hope that this course was a step for youths to take greater ownership of their faith as they learn to read the word of God more autonomously.

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